Thursday, February 23, 2012

Money for the Essentials

Emma Grace has bee very curious as to how I get paid for the work I do. Being a Travel Agent, I work on commission which she knows but its vague to her. Now that I also Substitute Teach she asked me how that works. (the whole commission thing confused her). I told her I get paid a set amount for each day I work and then I get paid once a month. She asked me how I get the money and I told her that it is direct deposited into my checking accont. But I am going to switch it so that the money from that job goes into the savings accounts we have for you girls.
Emma "For College?"
Me "Yes"
Emma "Thank goodness. Can you get me a small refrigerator?"
Me "Probably"
Emma "And when I call you, will you send me some Raspberries"
Me "Raspberries?"
Emma "Yea. You know, in case I have an emergency."

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Good News

Holly and I are lying on the couch together. She is all snuggled down in the crook of my legs.
Holly "Mom, I have good news"
Mom "What is it?"
Holly "My feet don't stink" As she holds up the sock she just pulled off.
Mom "That is good news"
Holly "And I have really really good news too"
Mom "What is that?"
Holly "Your feet don't stink either"
Mom "Well, don't try for great news. Let's leave daddys feet alone"
Holly "You're pretty smart"

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Can You Hear Me Now.

We have had to make some pretty major personal decisions recently, that involve the whole family. I was talking to Emma and Holly this evening and letting them know some changes that were coming. Holly was curious to know how daddy and I came to a decision and basically how often big changes would come. I told her that it all depends on what God has planned for us. And we have to listen to God because he knows what is best for our lives. That seems to satisfy her and she leans back with the remote control and says to me 'Then I guess you better go find a place that's quiet so you can hear him" and turns on the TV.
Gotta love that kid.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Crack a Window

So we are driving to Florida for our cruise. Been in the car for several hours and the kids are starting to get hungry. 
Emma "I smell japanese food!"
Holly "Nah. That was just my poot"

Who was Running?

Driving the kids to the school skatenight and we havent gone far. I can't remember if I turned the oven off or not. So I turn around and quickly go in to take care of it.  As I am backing out of the driveway for a 2nd time Lillie ask me "Was it on?"
Me "Was what on?" (man, I'm getting old)
Lillie "THE OVEN??"
Me " I dont know. I just ran in and pushed the off button. I forgot to check"
Lillie "YOU??? RUN???"
Me "OK smartie pants..I walked briskly"
She completely overlook the part where I forgot to check AGAIN if the oven was on. She just couldn't get past the image of me running.

Kitchen Conversations

Emma Grace and Holly are helping me in the kitchen this evening. We are preparing 3 meals tonight. So everything is going at once. The girls are using my Pampered Chef small food processor to chop all the veggies. Carrots, Broccoli and the dreaded Onions. Emma is just chopping away and she says to Holly
"I am never going to serve my kids onions. I am not even going to tell them onions exsist"
Holly "Me Neither"
Emma "Oh No!! My husband will probably tell them."
Holly "Then just do like me....don't get a husband"